- Online institute: certificates of completion, university graduate credits, live online instruction, virtual technical assistance and coaching.
- Onsite courses, technical assistance and coaching.
The Results Learning Center is an online institute with on-demand learning tools for educators and mental health clinicians. These tools are organized in courses. Each course includes lessons with short and engaging instructional videos, paired with participant guides to direct the reflection and planning process. The content provided in the Results Learning Center is evidence-based and grounded in implementation science with the goal of not just learning, but taking action. After all, it’s TIME FOR RESULTS!
Comprehensive System to Support Student Wellness
The purpose of this project is to establish a comprehensive integrated system to support student wellness that is equitable, trauma informed, resiliency oriented, and culturally responsive to all students in Anchorage School District. This work is centered on utilizing a multi-tiered system of support to house Anchorage School District’s aligned initiatives and evidence-based practices to support the whole child. A major focus will be to include all necessary stakeholders in the creation, implementation, scale up, and continuous efforts to sustain this crucial system and to support and promote students’ social, emotional, and behavioral development.
Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation for Health
Education and health are closely linked. The Blue Cross Foundation of Idaho Foundation for Health knows that education, particularly schools, play a vital role in building a healthier Idaho. Goals of the project include:
*Working alongside districts and schools to build multi-tiered sustainable systems to support the behavioral health and academic performance of Idaho Students.
*Provide professional learning opportunities for Idaho educators to build their capacity and mental health literacy to best support Idaho students.
*Create school environments that are consistent, predictable, positive, and safe.
Virtual Learning Series: Interconnected Systems Framework: Connecting the Dots of School Mental Health
Interconnected Systems Framework (ISF): Connecting the Dots of School Mental Health is designed to increase the knowledge base and capacity of school mental health providers in the areas of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), and the Interconnected Systems Framework (ISF). The long-term goal of this training series is to create an overall framework that integrates mental health providers, school staff, families, and other community partners into a single system to best support students' mental health needs.
The goal of the Idaho State Department of Education’s ID-AWARE Project, is to leverage resources to create an effective infrastructure and to build capacity at the State Education Agency (SEA) and Local Education Agency (LEA) level to create sustainable systems to effectively support the mental health needs of all Idaho students. This project focuses on three Idaho rural LEAs which have demonstrated a need for improvement in the area of mental health supports, paralleled with a high level of readiness to participate in the project.
Professional Development Institutes:
- Behavior Management Institute
- Trauma-Sensitive Practices Institute
- Youth Mental Health Institute
The objective of these comprehensive professional learning institutes is to provide opportunities for teams of out-of-school program staff to build their knowledge base and capacity to create positive climates and cultures and to respond appropriately and effectively to the social, emotional, behavioral, and mental health needs of the youth with whom they work.
In 2018, Southside Elementary identified the priority of creating its own positive behavior framework through the implementation of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). The leadership team was founded and soon after worked with staff to create their schoolwide expectations. Within the first year of implementation, with a focus on implementation fidelity, 100% of Southside students and staff could recall and perform the positive behaviors of being respectful, responsible, and always working to do their best. With a student body of nearly 650 students, and 74% of the students qualifying for free and reduced lunch, Southside’s behavior framework has created predictability, consistency and a positive and safe atmosphere for all students. Additional outcomes of Southside’s PBIS framework includes: increased pro-social behaviors, decreased office discipline referrals, and stronger school-to-home connections.
Idaho Safe Schools, Safe Students
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare – Sexual Violence Prevention Program​
US Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) – STOP School Violence Prevention and Mental Health Training Program
The goal of Idaho Safe Schools, Safe Students is to improve safety and reduce violent crimes in K-12 schools. The focus of the project is to build the knowledge base and capacity of Local Education Agencies (LEAs) in the areas of creating safe schools, improving school climates, cultures, and mental health supports, and sustaining these efforts. This is accomplished through the delivery of evidence-based professional development trainings and on-site technical assistance in three rural Idaho school districts.
Equity-Based Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
Jackson Hole High School and Summit Innovations School have prioritized the implementation of an equity-based Multi-Tiered Systems of Support framework within their schools. Azevedo Consulting provides on-site and virtual support through professional learning opportunities and technical assistance which focus on creating a sustainable system to support the social, emotional, behavioral, and mental health needs of all students.
Office of Innovation and Improvement, Dept. of Ed - Supporting Effective Educator Development (SEED) Grant: Equity Leadership in High Need Schools, Building High Quality Effective Instruc-tional Leaders to Improve Student Outcomes
SWIFT Education Center -
University of Kansas
The University of Kansas SWIFT Education Center is partnering with three high need school districts to implement an Equity Leadership Professional Learning Series based on a promising practice. The learning series focuses on developing and enhancing the skills of district administrative leaders and school principals while also laying the foundation for installing a multi-tiered system of support to improve student outcomes in each of their respective schools. The goal is to develop these new Equity Leaders, who will transform their school cultures and improve student outcomes; to create district capacity to sustain and develop future Equity Leaders; and to develop, expand and evaluate this professional learning model for national dissemination.
Classroom Management Institute
Blaine County School District has a created a system to intentionally set up their new teachers for success. One element of this system is to provide a professional learning opportunity around the topic of Student Behavior Management. Azevedo Consulting provides an annual professional development session designed to give new teachers the opportunity to explore how student behavior impacts learning and the importance of creating environments that are predictable, consistent, positive, and safe. During this session participants also design their classroom management plan with a focus on connecting to schoolwide expectations.
Instructional Coaching Institute and Technical Assistance
The goal of the Coaching Institute is to increase the capacity of coaches to include skills and strategies they can utilize to help guide their staff in providing engaging and effective instruction and to navigate the process of change and improvement. The Coaching Institute provides the necessary background and rationale of the importance of the coaches’ role in leading the implementation process. The content is focused on arming coaches with the necessary coaching skills and strategies, enabling them to facilitate critical conversations and problem-solving techniques with their team members and school staff.
Building Relationships Institute
No matter the context, the role of relationships is critical. Across studies, perhaps the most consistent predictor of resilience for high-risk youth is a safe, nurturing bond with a single person. That person can be a parent, grandparent, teacher, sibling, or mentor (just to name a few). A positive relationship, or web of relationships, is a key ingredient in students' success in school and beyond. But how often do we take the time to discuss relationships? In this professional learning session, we explore best practices for social and emotional learning, elements of developmental relationships, how to connect with “difficult” students, and the importance of empathy. We also investigate trauma – what it is and its prevalence.